I couldn’t stay for the whole thing, but I thought you’d might like to hear a recent online conversation in which I was the token rude American amongst a crowd of British educators.
OK, so I hope I wasn’t that rude. You know me and self-depreciating humor…
In any case, you can find the show notes to the skypecast here.
I not accepting that Mr Smith (alias no doubt). I can not condone self-depreciating humor, I enjoyed your distracting witticisms in the text box, no doubt places there to avoid discovery from those listening to the podcast. To finish, thanks I really enjoyed your comment and text.
Hi Aaron – I agree whole heartedly with Kristian, it was great to talk – I just hope that you didn’t find the accents too distracting (lol).
When I read about the off humor – I had to click through. And whom did I find! I maintain that I can be ruder than you!!