I’ll be running workshops on PowerPoint design and blogging (& podcasting netcasting) at this weekend’s Powering Up With Technology Conference, and I am looking forward to it, but I just got notice asking for presenters at this year’s MICCA Convention and I don’t want to do the same thing as last year.
So how about a workshop on two way teaching? The concept’s been around for a while, but there are a lot of websites and other tools that can help make two way teaching a LOT easier.
K12 Online Conference Presentation on 2WT (The presentation that made me think this would be a good topic.)
Two Way Teaching Wiki (As of this posting it’s very sparse, but could grow if it gets some help from others.)
(BTW: I did record my last workshop, but I haven’t gotten around to the post-processing on it. I hope to have it up by Sunday.)
[tags]blogs, education, wiki, podcasts, wikis, netcasting, micca, micca07, two way teaching, edublogging, puwt06, puwt[/tags]