I promised to have this uploaded before I crashed for the night – looks like I got to keep my promise.
This is the audio from my presentation at this year’s MICCA conference. Forgive me if I keep things brief as I’m quite wiped by the experience of these past two days.
- A pdf version of my PowerPoint, including a special bonus slide at the end, is available here.
- Yes, I really do mention David Warlick that often. It’s only because he does so much to help educators.
- As I explain in the intro, I was able to use Audacity to remove the background noise but not the slight echo. It annoyed me at first but I got used to it … I think.
- I may be wrong about the new version of Audacity having LAME built in, but like I say in the podcast I do prefer iTunes for encoding my mp3 files.
- I also over planned, and had very little time to do practical demonstrations. Perhaps next time I’ll focus on one tool? We’ll see.
- I’ve said this a lot, but the wiki is still here. Edits are still encouraged.
- I’m tired. Goodnight.