Category Archives: Art

Academic Aesthetic S2 Ep 12: It’s JIF

In today’s episode, I have opening night jitters.

Show Notes:

Academic Aesthetic S2 Ep 9: The Real World Is Boring

Light Painting SampleIn today’s episode I complain that the real world is boring.

Well, it is.

(If you listen closely you can also hear me scratch my cat’s head.)

[EDIT: Previous link was to an older episode. This has been fixed.]

Show Notes:

Academic Aesthetic S2 Ep 8

In today’s episode I discover why I should click on links BEFORE I start recording.  (And better yet, before I try to use them in class.)


Academic Aesthetic S2 Ep 7

countbooks01.JPGIn today’s episode I do not cry.


Academic Aesthetic S2 Ep 5

2013-11-21 10.14.08Today’s episode includes bonus segments of my wife blowing her nose and our cat meowing.

Academic Aesthetic S2 Ep 4

HPIM2282It’s our one week anniversary!  … and you thought I forgot…

Academic Aesthetic S2 Ep 3

2010-07-12 20.29.00

Short show, but hey I’m still keeping to my schedule!


Academic Aesthetic S2 Ep 2

TIE_badge_180 - CopyLooks like this may be a 3x per week show.  We’ll see.

Show notes:

I am definitely looking for feedback and/or submissions for the show.  You can leave them as comments here or post them to my Tumblr account (anonymous posts do not require an account).

Academic Aesthetic S2 Ep 1

Decided to get back to my roots and start podcasting again.  Hopefully I’ll be able to keep this up, as it certainly is fun to do.

Since it’s been so long, I decided to start back at Episode 1.  All the old stuff will remain on here as “Season 1.”  Long live Season 2!

Show Notes:

As this is my first episode in a very long time I am definitely looking for feedback and/or submissions for the show.  You can leave them as comments here or post them to my Tumblr account (anonymous posts do not require an account).

Paper Laptop

Due to reasons beyond my control, I won’t be anywhere near the internet for most of this Thursday.  In fact, I won’t even be in the same state.

Naturally, the first thing I thought of was the first grade kids I had been planning to teach!

Now, most of them are able to log in on their own, but most is not the same thing as all. I could have them do an online lesson, but instead I pulled out a project I had my students do a few years ago back when I didn’t have a computer lab to call my own.

With some construction paper, a little glue, and some markers/crayons/colored pencils, we’ll be making our own laptops.  The point of the lesson will be to talk about how computers are used to communicate with others online.  The end result will be a neat toy laptop to call their own.

You can do the lesson too, if you want.  the .pdf file with the instructions is here, and the printable keyboard template (2/page) is here.