Category Archives: Netcast

Academic Aesthetic Netcast 112

Here are the instructions for how to move video from the internet, to iTunes, to your (video) iPod, to anything with RCA jacks.

Academic Aesthetic Netcast 111

Adventures with oekaki (otherwise known as forums that let you draw things). .. I haven’t had any yet, but I think I’m ready.

Academic Aesthetic Podcast 110

Web based open source educational games are harder to find than I thought.

Academic Aesthetic Podcast 109

Goodbye to the forum, hellooooo, photo gallery! Time to show off more art lesson photos than Flickr will let me do for free.

Academic Aesthetic Podcast 108

Today (or yesterday, as many of you will hear this tomorrow,) I talk (or talked) about talking tech.

Is that confusing enough?

Academic Aesthetic Podcast 107

Sorry about Wednesday’s podcast. Today is about setting the bar too low.

Academic Aesthetic Podcast 106

Internet Safety is like safety with tools that cut. You can trust students once they know how to be careful, but there are some tools you just don’t hand out to 3rd graders.

Academic Aesthetic Podcast 105

Today I talk about how I want to do more tech literacy in the Art Club, but in smaller chunks. (The chirping sound was the AC. I couldn’t help it.)

The voice in the intro is courtesy of Chris Craft. I dare you to send me a better one.

Academic Aesthetic Podcast 104

Today’s episode brought to you by the good people over at Hometown Tales. They’re not exactly in the “academic” category, but they still make for a great listen and they inspired me to talk a little more about audio comments.

I also mentioned Tips From The Top Floor and Craftzine – both are awesome if you’re into creative expression.

Last but not least, my intro was recorded by Chris Craft.

Academic Aesthetic Podcast 103

Even responses to other blogs can be blog entries, so why aren’t you blogging, yet?

(Today’s podcast was inspired becuase so many people liked the PowerPoint that Karl Fisch made. I had absolutely nothing to do with it other than linking to it.)

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