Presented by Evylyn Quinones
1st choice was on 21st century collaboration, but presenter was a no-show. Walked in on 2nd choice as she was showing off her Flip camera. Never got to see the built in software before – it allows for basic editing, but also allows you to upload the video to the internet. Even better, you can change your preferences to save the video in different formats.
Moving on to her voice recorder. Olympus WS300 – looks like David Warlick’s but I can’t check the model number right now without wifi. (EDIT: He uses the WS100.) Looks slick – built in USB (no cord), input for external mic and output for headphones. Whole thing runs off of a AAA battery.
Talking about Podcasting with GarageBand and Audacity. Of course, I’ve been doing that since before it was cool. I’m a trend setter, I know. ;-)
Moving onto iPods & iTunes. A mention of iTunesU and all the cool podcasts in the iTunes “store.”
Talking about saving presentations to iPods as image files just like Hall Davidson.
Playing with the apps you can get for the iPhone. I like the digital version of a level.
iMovie rocks. iMovie 06 is so much better than 08 in my opinion, and apparently in the presenter’s opinion as well.
Benefits of YouTube – bigger audience, lower bandwidth costs.