Category Archives: Netcast

Academic Aesthetic Podcast 50 – PETEandC 2 of 7

Listen to the podcast!After writing up my summary of the PETE&C DEN event I noticed that it can easily be divided into 7 sections. So, rather than bombard you with a large report I’ll post one section a day this week. Short, sweet, bite-size chunks of information work much better for me, and hopefully for you as well.

Again, this is also a podcast.


During the keynote I had the pleasure of sitting next to Cristina Runkles, whose third grade class has just started podcasting. We exchanged web addresses since we were both into blogging and podcasting.

I’ve already listened to her students’ work, and it’s good stuff! Just imagine what these third graders will be capable of when they graduate, having experienced cutting edge technology at such an early level.

Academic Aesthetic Podcast 49 – PETEandC 1 of 7

Listen to the podcast!After writing up my summary of the PETE&C DEN event I noticed that it can easily be divided into 7 sections. So, rather than bombard you with a large report I’ll post one section a day this week. Short, sweet, bite-size chunks of information work much better for me, and hopefully for you as well.

Oh yeah, this is also a podcast. Enjoy.


The first keynote speaker was Kathy Schrock, and she did a great job going over tips for visual presentations. Now granted, I knew most of her tips due to my training as an art teacher, but I’ve sat through far too many presentations (done by adults who should have known better) that included sounds, transitions, pictures, fonts, and even colors that just did not belong.

And of course the whole thing was made even better because she put examples and notes from her presentation online for us. This took a lot of pressure off of the people who were taking notes, and it also meant one less handout for us to file and forget. (I myself intend to use wikis for my presentations, since my last wiki is still the number one downloaded resource on the new DEN site. … how did THAT happen?!)

Academic Aesthetic Podcast 48: Polls

Click to play or download.My 48th podcast is brought to you by the letters “S,” “N,” “O,” “W,” “D,” “A,” and “Y.” The snow wasn’t the problem today, but the trees and power lines that the snow took down were a bit of a hinderance.

Show Notes:

Academic Aesthetic Podcast 47: Lifelong Learners

Click to play or download.My 47th podcast is tale of how some special needs students are showing lifelong learner skills. Yes, beleive it or not we’re not failing all our students!
Show Notes:

Academic Aesthetic Podcast 46: Cheapskate

Click to play or download.My 46th podcast is NOT a conference or presentation (gasp!)

Show Notes:

I’ll admit it, I’m a total cheapskate. As such, I’ve found a variety or resources to use frequently that cost me nothing, or at least next to nothing. Hey, even today’s background music (Loyalty and Honor The Journey Home) was free.

Expensive Way

Cheapskate Way

Art books Flickr CC, Yotophoto, &
Art supplies Donated recycled materials
New computer with the latest OS Old computer running Linux
Microsoft Office (NeoOffice)
Music CDs &
Server space (podcasts) (
Server space (blog client) & Class Blogmeister

Blogging 101

Click to play or download.My 45th podcast is another presentation – this time it’s an introduction to blogging. I can’t say it was my best example of public speaking, but I said I’d record it and put it on the site so that’s exactly what I’m doing.

Last time I included all of my presentation slides embedded in the mp3 file and I decided to do the same thing this time as well. Be careful, though – at 9.8 MB and over 28 minutes this podcast is much longer than my usual ramblings.

Show Notes:

Edu-Blogging 101 Wiki (to read blogs) (to write blogs)

Rachel Amstutz

Discovery Education

Dembo and my Open Interview

I was checking the long list of blogs I read regularly and was pleased to see that Steve Dembo responded to my “open interview.” (As if I didn’t have enough reasons to inflate my own ego…) You should go check it out, and since I’m sure some of you just listen to my podcasts rather than read what I write here’s a direct link to Steve’s podcast. His answers are at the end, so just sit back and enjoy.

It’s not too late to respond to my open interview, why don’t you give it a shot?

Academic Aesthetic Podcast 44

Click to play or download.My 44th podcast is a recording of my presentation on Creative Commons that I gave back in November. I included my presentation slides (Not PowerPoint – I made them in OpenOffice) as artwork in the mp3 file.

Show Notes:

Creative Commons

“Crowd” Picture Creative Commons

Free Culture (the book)

Google Advanced Search

PodSafe Audio

Yahoo! Creative Commons Search

Oh, and don’t forget to put a pin in my Frappr Map!

Academic Aesthetic Podcast 43

Click to play or download.In my 43rd podcast I answer questions 3 and 4 from episode 41’s “Open Interview.”

Show Notes:

I’m now a proud member of the Discovery Educator Network, also known as DEN. More information will follow in future installments.

I’m going to be running a blogging inservice in early January, and rather than give out handouts I’ve created a wiki. I’m looking for a few good editors, so if you’re up to the challenge then please take a look at what’s there already and add some of your own content. (Yes, I mentioned this before in my blog, but not everyone who listens to my podcast reads the blog so I tought it deserved a rehashing.)

I spend the rest of this podcast answering questions 3 and 4 from my “Open Interview.” I’m looking for more people to answer these questions (hint, hint…) so if you’ve got a computer and a microphone I wouldn’t mind having am audio file (or a link to your own podcast) show up in my inbox.

Oh, and don’t forget to put a pin in my Frappr Map!

Academic Aesthetic Podcast 42

Click to play or download.In my 42nd podcast I answer questions 1 and 2 from episode 41’s “Open Interview.” When I look back on the resourses I had compared to what our kids have now, it’s no wonder that so many people in my parents’ generation aren’t computer savvy.

… in retrospect I should have done something truly geeky for my 42nd podcast. (Don’t understand what I’m talking about? Google’s there for a reason!) Alas, I couldn’t think of anything truly special to do. Oh well…

Oh, and don’t forget to put a pin in my Frappr Map!