Education Misc. Video Technology

Academic Aesthetic Brain Dump 1

Normally I have videos of me playing games OR audio recordings of me talking about education. This time I combined them to see how it would go. This is the result.

Today’s topics:

  • Next year’s supply list.
  • Why Beats are a waste of money.
  • Google Drive & Google Apps For Education (GAFE) Are awesome.
  • Snakes.
  • Student tech can be better than school tech.
  • Requiring students to have their own tech runs into the “Digital Divide.” “Loaner” tech is needed in a BYOT (Bring Your Own Tech) environment.
  • Photoshop? Illustrator? Heck no, GIMP & Inkscape!
  • I edit video with Magix Movie Edit Pro. (Windows only)
  • My students are starting to use Camtasia to edit video. (Mac & Windows)
  • YouTube has a video editor. It isn’t very good.
  • There’s a video editor for Android called WeVideo. It’s slightly better than YouTube’s editor.
  • I got my number of 8th graders wrong. This is what I get for not looking at a class list during a recording.
  • If interest in my program stays steady, I am going to run out of computers in my classroom.
  • My school system is doing a computer refresh program where the older computers are signed over to students. I want in on that.
Education Misc. Video Netcast Technology

Reaching A High Score Presentation

Last year I rewrote my curriculum to make it into a game, and doing so helped my students master the content.  This is my presentation on what I did, as given at this year’s Powering Up With Technology Conference.

PUWT Conference

Presentation (Hosted on Google Docs)

Class page

Apologies for the poor audio quality, I was projecting (using my “teacher voice”) to the participants and that tended to overwhelm my mic every time I was next to the computer.

Art Education Misc. Video Technology

Playing with Frames

I’m at a Clay Animation training session sponsored by my employer.  I’ve done stop motion animation before, but not with Frames.

I’m really liking Frames.  My previous animations have all been compiled in iMovie or (against my will) MovieMaker.  Those programs work, and are often pre-installed on computers, but Frames was designed specifically for stop-motion animation.  Most of the concerns I had going in were resolved in an “Oh, so it can do that” way, followed by an “Oh, you mean it can also do this?!” moment.

I’d write more about it, but I have to go back to playing … er, I mean learning how to use this software.

(Oh, and if you liked the music, Bre Pettis made it.)

Art Misc. Video Technology

Support the EFF!


The Electronic Frontier Foundation is doing a fundraiser, and to kick it off they’ve released a short animated song to show just what they do.

If you’re a long term follower of this blog then I don’t need to tell you the EFF is awesome. While as an artist I feel I should have the final say with what’s done with my media, I think current practices go too far towards enforcing outdated business models.

Image uploaded with plasq‘s Skitch!

Misc. Video Netcast Technology

How 2(.0): Personal Learning Networks, 1/4

It occurs to me that I posted this here and here, but totally neglected to put it on my own site.  Oh well.

If you haven’t seen my latest creation yet, here it is.  I’m hoping to record part 2 (or more, time permitting) this weekend.

Misc. Video

Not in fact a tribal serenade…

… but still darned fun.  We got to play with “Boomwhackers” at the recent DEN NI thanks to Paula White and I recorded a couple short clips with my own new toy.

I think the video could have been better, but the audio’s half decent.



Art Education Misc. Video Site News Technology

5 Essential Learner Outcomes in Art and Technology

Back when I taught high school, I was often in buildings that were fed by middle and elementary schools that did not hold art education in high esteem. This meant that I had to tailor my lessons to cover things most students learn in their K-8 years but make them interesting for a high school audience.

It also meant that I was able to make a list of things that, once I eventually taught elementary, would be able to drill into my students to prevent premature baldness and graying amongst the high school art teachers.

This list included the following five things:

  1. People ON sticks, rather than people who ARE sticks.People are not sticks. (I don’t mind if a 3rd grader tries to draw a person and it doesn’t turn out, but a 3rd grader drawing a stick figure isn’t even trying.)
  2. Trees are not lollipops.
  3. Not every tree has to have a hole in the trunk. (Honestly, half of them draw the holes so they’re wider than the trunks!)
  4. I’ve never seen a blue cloud in a white sky.
  5. Sky touches ground. (A blue bar at the top is … a blue bar at the top. Not a sky.)

Granted, I didn’t cover these things in every grade and every lesson. Not all students are developmentally able to comprehend my little list, and I still have room in my curriculum to do lessons that are more fun than they are nitpicky.

But at least by the time they leave elementary school all of my students know:Kindergarten kids paint the sky down to the ground!

  1. A way to draw people that have at least enough mass to wear some clothes.
  2. A way to draw trees that are more accurate depictions than a circle (or green cloud) on a stick.
  3. That because it can exist on one thing does not mean it exists on everything.
  4. More than one way to make cool looking skies , including sunsets, storm clouds, and more.
  5. What a horizon line is.

My official curriculum is much more detailed than this, but I suppose these items are my “pet peeves,” if you will.

And this sort of got me thinking: Since I might become a technology teacher in a couple years, how will my list change? What are my technology pet peeves that I’ll feel I must cover, above and beyond the official standards?

I came up with something like this:Tools of the Trade

  1. Be safe! There are ways to be safe from online predators, stalkers, identity thieves, cyberbullies, and so on. Use them.
  2. Be creative! The great thing about the internet is that anyone can create content, including you!
  3. Be skeptical! The bad thing about the internet is that anyone can create content, including people who mislead others. Take the things you see online with a grain of salt.
  4. Be cautious! Also, what happens on the internet stays on the internet, but not in a good way. Anything digital can be copied and archived, as well as indexed for easy searching. Don’t put it online unless you want your mom, teacher, principal, significant others, and any future bosses to see it.
  5. Be clear! There media (PowerPoint, website, movie, etc.) should never be more important than the message it’s used to convey. Overworked and poorly designed projects can both keep people from remembering the very things you wanted them to learn.

Well, that’s my list, at least. What’s yours?

Education Misc. Video Technology

Getting Started in Video, with Bre Pettis

I’ve been a fan of Mr. Pettis’ work for a while now, mostly because of stuff like this. I can’t wait to see the rest of this series.

Hm, perhaps I should break out my old digital video camera again? I’ve been focusing on text and audio so much of late…

Education Misc. Video Netcast nextgenteachers Site News Technology

Academic Aesthetic 138

Hey, where’s the audio only version?  I moved that over to Podserve.  Vidcasts like this one will still get posted here, though.

Show notes:

Art Education Misc. Video Netcast nextgenteachers Technology

Academic Aesthetic 137 Video

Chris Craft tells me I should register  I think he’s right.

Show Notes